SynopsisSet in the fictitious town of Vaya Con Dios, this off-the-wall comedy follows the journey of conjoined twins Dan and Jack Pinto as they join the town’s police force run by the (very) corrupt Captain Bartel. We soon realize that it’s a case of “good cop bad cop” as Jack gets involved with shady drug dealers while Dan attempts to clean up the town – single handed. Their shared world hits the buffers as brotherly love is called into question when Dan falls in love with the beautiful Rosa, waitress at the local restaurant. And… hold on, no spoilers on our watch…
GenreCourt métrage – comédie policière
ProducteurDavid Barron / Mark Westaway
CoproducteurPaul Morris / Nico Rilla
ProductionAugustine Entertainment / Grasswidow & Others
TrailerYvan Barbera – Twenty4Scope Film Production